D2C Brands experimenting with free shipping and returns

Everybody wants free shipping. So how do brands make the math work? What’s the real cost of free shipping for these brands?

You love it when you can order a tasty snack or your favorite lipstick with no additional shipping cost. According to a survey, the second most popular reason for abandoning a cart was “unexpected costs at check out” – mainly shipping, taxes, and fees. Free shipping can boost conversion rates as well as encourage customers to purchase from the brand who would not have otherwise. Have you ever bought something from a company just because they offered free shipping? We certainly have. But even “free” shipping can come with a price. Someone is paying for shipping, and ultimately that’s either the customer, the business, or both.

We looked at the shipping prices of some D2C brands and saw that majority of them did offer unconditional free shipping. Some had used creative ways to attract customers like Free shipping on a particular order value , Free shipping on their first purchase to help build the trust, and Free shipping code sent in automated abandoned cart emails.

Some Brands experimenting with free shipping and returns.

1.Kohana Homes

Kohana Homes works with grass-root level artisans in the crafts hubs of India like Khurja, Moradabad, Ferozabad, Maharashtra etc to create home decor products.

2.Inaya Accessories

Inaya Accessories makes a beautiful collection of jewelry for women that are stylish, affordable, and chic.


Eatopia brings you round the clock, healthy, nutritious and mind-blowing meals and snack varieties that will support your busy lifestyle while helping you eat cleaner.


Shankara combines Ayurvedic wisdom & advanced science for ultimate skin transformation using only natural ingredients.

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