Digital Agency

We help businesses and brands reach their full potential !



Brands have the power to positively transform lives, and we love playing a part in crafting meaningful brands who are making - One Bold Move at a Time.

At the heart of everything we do is this idea to businesses and brands reach their full potential. We don’t believe in selling vanilla solutions to our clients but handhold them in creating purpose driven solutions that  fundamentally improve their business.


Exceptional content and eye - catching visuals.

From branding to print ready media to packaging designs, brand logos, video creation, advertising assets, we do it all. We’ll design apps, customer journeys and design language, and even doodle out a mascot if required.
You want to re-brand? Well, you’ve come to the right place.


Digital experiences that engage customers with the brand

Viral campaigns, UGC content strategy, SEO for organic reach, Community Building, Social Media, we use omni channel approach to make the brand well known.Reaching the right peeps and nudging them through the funnel is what our genie grants.


Capturing leads and turning them into educated customers

PPC ads, customer funnel, increasing retention, higher LTV are a part of the strategies that helps turn leads into customers.We specialise in creative advertising and high perfomance UCG ads to capture your audience.

Growth & Revenue Strategy

Intelligent strategies that can help the brand absolutely crush it.

We plan to brand and product launches that are talk of the town. We derive strategies that help brands get omnichannel and multi-platform growth. Managing and advising branding, Brand and product roadmap, increasing customer retention, and channel expansion are all a part of the long-term brand growth strategy.

Product tech

 We help in bringing to market a viable commercial product

We’ve worked extensively with FMCG firms, fashion brands, and beauty & skincare brands to help them launch viable products. With a team of experts, we help develop new verticals, new product SKUs, obtain regulations, techno-economic feasibility, and market analysis, all backed by our tried and tested growth strategies.

Creator Management

Building personal brands of Creators, Influencers & industry leaders

Visibility creates opportunities. We follow this mantra while helping influencers, content creators and founders build their personal brand. We study markets, curate viral scripts, ideate content, give a 360 management, create brand partnerships and develop a growth strategy that can propel you into a new era.


Everyone loves something different. Explore the world through the lens of our visual capabilities and find out what best fits for you.


Exceptional content and eye - catching visuals.

  • Illustrations
  • Social Media creatives
  • Product and brand videos
  • Website & Landing Page Designs
  • Product Packaging
  • Motion graphics


Digital experiences that engage customers with the brand

  • Brand & Marketing Campaigns – Concept, Strategy & Production
  • High-performing UGC ads
  • Video Production & Post-Production
  • IP Content

Word of Mouth (WOM)

Capturing leads and turning them into educated customers

  • Social media marketing
  • Performance ads
  • Influencer marketing
  • SEO
  • Community Building strategies
  • PR


Intelligent strategies that can help the brand absolutely crush it.

  • Brand launch
  • Product launch
  • Channel Expansion
  • Brand growth strategies

Product tech

We help bring a viable commercial product to market

  • New product development
  • Formulation correction
  • Developing innovation strategies
  • New product packaging development
  • Technology scale up


Lakaab Couture

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